Monday, May 14, 2012

dahlhaus web-site update!!

The dahlhaus website is up-dated!

I just want to first off thank Tyler Payne, a great guy that I went to high school and then was at college and the Art school together with who designed my original site 5 years ago! Each year we are able to up-load new images, and add a couple of new features to keep it fresh and original - so I'm really thankful for such a well-designed site to start with!

Thank you to Curtis Hildebrand- who, without his amazing photography, my work just wouldn't look the same!  Please take the time to click through photos along the bottom of each 'category'- the photos at the 'back' of the site start in 2007, working to the most current work at the front of the site.

And of course, these up-dates would be no where without Chris Nott, my web-developer.  It seems like each time we up-date the website, he is off on a new adventure and yet is still willing to make the changes needed in a good amount of time. Thank you Chris!

Now for something that's been in the works all spring: the dahlhaus video!! Right off the top I want to thank Evan Bourque of Wilhelm Films for shooting and editing this video- he is super talented, is just starting out, and is already making amazing films! 

It has been 5 years (!) this summer since I embarked on this journey of being a full-time maker and artist.  To remember this milestone and to celebrate all the work that has gone into what I do, I decided that I wanted to have a video made of me at work in the studio. There have been glimpses of how I make my work here and there on my blog, but the big reveal is now up on this video!  Having a 'trade secret' has been great, the way I make my designs in glaze on each piece is a step-by-step process that I developed on my own and sets my work apart. It has been a total labour of love although my work can look really simple and un-laboured over, almost manufactured.  While not every step of me making my work is on this video in order, it gives you a glimpse of my hands making my ceramics each and every day. 

I hope you will take some time to check out the new site and video! Feed-back and sharing very welcome indeed! Thanks!

1 comment:

courtsclosed said...

Thanks for the video! It gave me some interesting glazing ideas! I can't wait to show my students tomorrow. Is that Wax resist you dip your pots into while the templates are on top... or something else? The wax I get is pretty thick and smelly :-(