Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sale on Etsy

As anyone who has ever worked in clay will know, the ceramic process is fraught with possible disasters along the journey it makes from being a malleable substance to a solid, water-tight, functional object of beauty.  For all the slightest little things that have gone 'wrong', I have a few lingering pots left from this past season on my Etsy shop with big savings.  Some of these pots are technically fine, but are ideas that I still need to tweak in the design department for next time (ie they are one of a kind!). And some of my pots have one or 2 small faults, purely surface or cosmetic, certainly not worth throwing in the garbage bin over, but perhaps someone out there is willing to live and love these pots with all the love and care that I still put into them.  I still have a few more to put up in my shop today so check back often!

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