'twas the night before Christmas |
Christmas morning play time |
Me (and the kitty) on Christmas morning sewing with my new sewing machine! |
Post-dinner origami out of our placemats |
Even 'Stella' came out to play some Christmas Carols |
Baby Oliver's first Christmas! |
There is a lot about this Christmas that was special. Plenty of family time, plenty of cheer, lots of singing carols together, playing games and laughing as families. Good, good times!
Now we are hunkered down with a flu bug that crept in and, as such, we've missed a dear friend's 40th birthday bash and another rare visit with friends that was supposed to happen today. Then the landlord brought over the rent increase for 2011 (boo). Some of the toys that the boys got over the weekend have already broken or aren't working as they should. My older son started to complain that he didn't get anything from his wishlist to Santa ("Does Santa even know how to read??"), and this evening both boys ended up in tears after a game of Monopoly. I think the post-Christmas crash has hit us a little harder than expected.
Today I've been reminded that we don't always get what we want. That things don't necessarily turn out as expected. That best laid plans and best intentions aren't always enough. This might sound a little un-optimistic considering the dawning of 2011 and all the resolution and planning that will go into making it a better year than 2010. But it's really honest. It's empowered me to sit down and think a little about what I'd like do and why, who I spend time with and what I want to accomplish with the grounded reality that some of these plans will most likely change. I guess it's a bit of a new perspective to goal-making and resolution-setting.
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