Monday, September 6, 2010

Fresh for Fall

It's been a weekend of purging, cleaning, hanging and cutting. I cleared out the basement storage, am still in the process of removing a large bookshelf/clutter shelf from the living room and I re-organized the kid's rooms to make way for their studies.  It always feels a little chaotic mid-way when I've got piles of stuff all over the place and haven't quite made it to the thrift store to drop off the things we no longer need.  It feels good though, you know, to clear out and lessen the load. 

My sister sent these drapes along with my husband the other night (he went to the island to pick us up some fish for the winter!) as a gift for me and now my living room is a little more cheery with the coming rainy season.  I couldn't quite believe the gift was for me when I first saw the present (no card or name-tag) sitting on my lap-top with no Dean around to ask.  I confess that I peeked, opened the package, even attempted to see if they would fit in the one window by our front door before wrapping it all and carefully putting it back where I had found it.  Turns out my sister found them in a thrift shop on the Island and thought of me and my little interest in Folk Art. Little did she know they were even drapes (she thought they were table cloths) and that they would actually fit (just barely) in our front window...

And then bangs.  A Sunday decision.  After 3 years of growing out my bangs I decided it was time to bring them back. Of course I cut them myself and as such, I'll be snipping away all week trying to make them work for me- all those little stray bits that keep falling in my eyes now.  Not quite sure I made the right decision. I've got 3 more years to regret it, I guess.  

I hope you had a lovely long weekend- tomorrow it is the first day (hour) back go school for my boys and the start of a very busy fall!  I'll be back mid-week when things get a little more settled.

1 comment:

amy said...

i'm a fan of the bangs.