Wednesday, August 4, 2010

holidays at home.

I must say that it is sometimes nice to holiday at home.  I've managed to be home for 2 whole days now without going anywhere, content to read my book, prune back the jungle that I call my yard, water the garden and watch as the neighbour kids take turns all play in each other's yards.  It's been really nice to make pasta salad, potato salad, soup and just re-heat or pull them out of the fridge if someone gets hungry.  The extra beer in the fridge has been an added bonus for those late afternoon heat waves when not much else will do. 

I've managed to clean out my 'sewing bin'.  These days it's relegated to a bin under the bed, that was getting a little tough to pull out from under the bed.  A good purge and a 'new' tupperware sewing box that I recently bought at a thrift store made sorting thread and needles and buttons kind of fun.  I also found a lovely sample of vintage fabric (the bird one in the photo) and then had some white cotton that I used in my indigo dyeing project that I may make pillow cushions covers out of.  Someday.

We are off to visit our friends in Vernon leaving friday for a week or so.  We don't have internet access up there but I'll try to prepare some posts intermittently while I'm away.  Hope you are having some good 'lazy' summer days as I've been:)!

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