Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's been a few days without my computer and I have to admit that I missed it. It was on a journey to Calgary with Dean because his new laptop didn't arrive in time before he left. There are usually a few things I miss about not havin' the man at home... he makes me coffee in the mornings, he compliments me on how great he thinks I look (even when I skipped the hairbrush and make-up routine) and he helps look after our boys, a real plus when I'm in the midst of my busy studio times. So I'm quite glad he's back for all those reasons and more. Single parenting would not exactly be my forte, I've decided. Kudos to all of those single parents out there who do their darndest to hold down the fort, and run a business at the same time. WOW is all I can say!

On another note, I have decided to just be at studio 350, 1000 Parker street for the Eastside Culture Crawl this year. I had thought that it might be great for people to be able to see my clay studio at the Mergatroid building, as every year I get all sorts of questions about where my wheel or kiln are hiding, but it's just too small a space for more than 2 or 3 people to check out my stuff at one time. So with the idea of 4000 people marching through the studio in 3 days, I decided I'm better off at the painting studio- lots of room there and it will be my last year in the space. Yes, that's right, I'm moving out of the building and come Dec 15th, will have 2 small spaces at the Mergatroid, one for clay and one for paint, right across the hall from each other. It's a shame, my painting space has been fabulous, but it's time to move on. My good friend Amy is also moving to another space downtown and so it wouldn't quite be the same without her there.
Well, I'm counting the days until the Crawl and am really looking forward to it! I've got one last firing and then I start setting up the studio! Will post pictures soon...

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