Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Windmill

Something I've wanted to do for a while was pull old Super8 film from my childhood onto my computer. My parents had been able to transfer some of the Super8 footage onto a VCR tape a few years ago, but whoever worked on it mixed up all the images and clipped them off in odd spots.
The fragmentation of my childhood on film is somewhat like my memory of these early days. There are clips missing, it's often without sound, and the timeline of events gets lost in the foggyness of my memory. However, there is something so lovely about these scenes of the Windmill from the Steinbach Museum and Historical site. The awkwardness of my dad's filming techniques make it so nostalgic and 'homemade', and yet the scene of my sister, myself and a little boy watching the arms of the Windmill go past us is a scene I want to see over and over again. I watched this with different music to it, but due to copyright I decided it was best to leave it without sound for now. Anyways, it's a work in progress, but I wanted to share it nonetheless.

1 comment:

sherri said...

amazing. i have super8 footage of my childhood as well...and i absolutely love it. what makes this clip even more special, is that that lovely windmill is now gone...thanks for posting heather.