Friday, December 21, 2012

Wishing you a Merry Season!

Hello and Happy Holidays! 

I've been hunkered down mostly getting over a nasty bit of flu/cold that hit me last weekend, while getting the last of the orders shipped off, cleaning the studio a bit, and then starting on my own Christmas shopping.  It's been a busy week that felt emotional as I thought about all the families and teachers affected by the recent tragedy.  Watching my own kids' Christmas concerts made me realize how precious and delicate life is, that we have to enjoy and cherish every moment we are here on this earth.

I had a lovely bit of holiday cheer with some studio mates yesterday.  I am so grateful for this community of friends and makers that I have met along this path of life and am so thankful for the ability to share here on my blog the little bits of news and thoughts I have with you.  Thank you for being part of this process and I wish you the very best of the season with family and friends.  Peace, hope, joy and love to you and yours!



amy h said...

Merry Christmas to you, Heather!

And I got lots of compliments on your mug as I was carrying my coffee around at my own pottery sale! So I was a bit of a billboard for you for the weekend (I made sure to tell people who made it). :)

dahlhaus said...

How sweet of you, Amy! Thanks!
Hope your sale went super and all the best in the New Year! H.